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Berikut adalah beberapa hasil paper yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi :

NGO movements in Indonesia as well as other developing countries, initially left to the left, then take on the position of movement at the local level to improve the welfare of their communities. Simultaneously, populist movements supported by the World Bank that support neo-liberal projects also develop various political strategies that move at the local level. They move along with the momentum of political decentralization in Indonesia, by carrying the values of good governance. This study shows how women's organizations participate in strengthening democracy in Brebes. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Data obtained through observation of PEKKA organization activities (Women Headed Family Empowerment) in Brebes, Central Java. Interviews were conducted with PEKKA leaders, administrators and members. The results of this study indicate that strengthening democracy for women in rural areas increases women's active participation in conveying aspirations without discrimination in Brebes and increasing the potential of women to be involved in decision-making in village consultations in Brebes.

This research to answer the problems posed namely how to develop the intellectual culture in college. Based on a literature search is verified with peer friends and student assessment, character education is learning how to develop a culture of intellectual property. College is where students who have a basic role and function of college student wrestles with science and are expected to provide better changes through intellectualism. This research aims to develop the intellectual culture of the students through the learning of character education in college. This research develops this intellectual culture by developing character education materials, consisting of conceptualizing theories and principles related to character education. This descriptive qualitative research acquires data through peer friends, an expert appraisal, and assessment of student learning materials about character education in college. The results of this research show that the development of learning materials is an alternative to the development of intellectual culture to implement character education in college.

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan budaya demokrasi di Sekolah Menengah Atas melalui jurisprudential inquiry. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan mengamati penanaman nilai-nilai demokrasi yang diterapkan dalam Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran jurisprudential inquiry. Model pembelajaran jurisprudential inquiry secara empirik telah membangun atmosfer pembelajaran yang dinamis. Model ini memberikan peluang bagi siswa untuk berbeda pendapat tetapi berdasarkan data yang akurat dan tidak perlu malu atau rendah diri untuk mengakui bahwa pendapat siswa yang lain itu lebih baik dan rela mendukung pendapat itu. Dengan demikian, model ini memungkinkan terjadinya perdebatan yang kontruktif. Praktik ini mampu membangun nilai menghargai perbedaan pendapat dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran jurisprudential inquiry dapat menjadi model alternatif dalam mengembangkan budaya demokrasi yaitu berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan sekolah, menghargai keragaman, membiasakan musyawarah, dan menjaga keseimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban di sekolah

This study aimed to collect the data of human rights values through Jurisprudential Inquiry model of teaching. This model increases the split society, so we need to appreciate the difference values as an effort to have a sense of unity. Education is the beginning of citizen character building through Civic Education. The process of learning and assessment in Civic Education now emphasizes on the instructional effects limited to content mastery and emphasizes only on the cognitive dimensions and thus a Jurisprudential Inquiry model is required. This qualitative research used the descriptive method of analysis. The results of this study indicated that the Juriprudential Inquiry model of teaching as an alternative learning if human rights values of students such as religion, tolerance, peace of love, care of social and responsibility in civic education.

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